One of my favorite Bible verses will be the Gospel reading
this Sunday. It is one that has really
stuck with me over the years and I still, to this day wear a symbol that reminds
me of this verse.
It is also the verse that I thought of this past Sunday when
our youth gathered during the Formation hour in Sunday School. They were posed a question.
After many of the events that have occurred, not just in the
world but even just in Memphis…it often times leads to us ask questions of
why these things happen.
What would lead
someone to do these things? What moral guidelines do people follow when they
don’t believe in God?
Can morality exist without religion?
This was the topic that our high school students discussed
this past week. At first it may sound
that there should be a fairly simple answer, however, the more you think about
it the more complicated it becomes.
My initial response is “Man, I hope so…I would hope that it
does not take religion for people to be able to be nice to each other.”
In some of the conversations that I have had with people,
there really has not been much of a consistent response but it seemed that one
point came up more often than others.
As Christians, we do good because the Bible tells us so…and
in some cases it can even come across as, do good or we go to Hell.
And for me…that is where I start to struggle with that
When I hear that it seems that it is merely taking all of the
teachings of God and all of the teachings of Jesus and the Bible and simplifying
it down to a set of rules. Basically I
was uncomfortable with such a simplified version. A Gospel of “Do’s” and “Don’ts”…There had to
be more to it than that.
That, to me, seemed that people are innately bad unless they
believe in God…which would be a belief that would make me struggle.
As a Christian, we believe that we were created in the image
of God and after being created, God looked at what he had created and indeed,
it was very good.
As an Episcopalian, we believe in Incarnation Theology which
in a sermon given By the Rev. Dan Matthews at Holy Communion in 2012 summed it
up as anything of God is good, that everything can be good in moderation, even
But, again I struggle… what if you don’t believe in
God? If you don’t believe in God, then
you wouldn’t believe that people are innately good and therefore where do
morals come from?
The answer…I do not know.
But if I had to give an answer…I would say yes, morals do exist outside
of religion. I do not think you have to
be a Christian or that you have to believe in God in order to be morally good
or to be a good person. But if that is
the case, then this Gospel of “Do’s” and “Don’ts” cannot be a good way to look
religion, can it?
Sure, when we are younger we may have learned the 10
Commandments and it may have been explained to us in a way that seemed that it
was merely a do this and don’t do that type of situation. But as we grow up and we mature and our
intelligence matures and our understanding of the world matures…our faith must
mature as well. We must grow past this
simplified version of the Gospel.
So again, I saw yes, morality can exist without God and
without religion…but then what does that mean for our understanding of the
What then makes it different?
That is where the Gospel reading for this upcoming Sunday comes
into play. If you didn’t stop to look it
up when I first mentioned it comes to us from Matthew…such a good name, Matthew…
Here is a segment of the upcoming Gospel reading:
When the Pharisees heard that Jesus had silenced the Sadducees,
they gathered together, and one of them, a lawyer, asked him a question to test
him. "Teacher, which commandment in the law is the greatest?" He said
to him, "`You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with
all your soul, and with all your mind.' This is the greatest and first
commandment. And a second is like it: `You shall love your neighbor as
yourself.' On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.”
-Matthew 22:34-39
In Exodus we have God summarizing hundreds of laws into the 10
Commandments. Here we have Jesus taking
those and simplifying them into this.
Nowhere in this passage does it say do this and don’t do that or
you will go to Hell.
It simply says to live in love, not to just be nice to others. You can be nice to people but still not
really like them.
Having morals exist within religion but there has to be a greater
meaning to being Christian than just being good.
If you take the time to fully think and process how differently
you would live your life if instead of following a checklist of do’s and don’ts
you followed this list…
I will LOVE God with all of my heart.
I will LOVE God with all of my soul.
I will LOVE God with all my mind.
I will LOVE myself and care for myself.
I will LOVE others and care for them just as would for myself.
I will walk in LOVE.