Thursday, October 9, 2014

What is Love?

Reflection given at WoW on October 8, 2014 by Elgin.

And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity.
       -Colossians 3:14

            What is love? Baby, don't hurt me. Don't hurt me no more. Baby don't hurt me. Don't hurt me no more. What is love? Yeah. Those lyrics I just lavishly sung for you belong to the song, you guessed it, "What is love" sung by Haddaway. At first, the song seems to be about some vocally gifted guy who is confused on why his woman of lust does not reciprocate upon his forthcoming love and affection for her. If you look at the music video and actually listen to the song you can tell by his "vest without a shirt outfit” why he has zero chance with this chick. The repetitious lyrics on the rhetorical question "what is love" suggests that someone has told him exactly what love is and that his definition has failed him in this scenario. Some definitions of love may read: A deep feeling of affection, or romantic attachment to someone/thing , or a socially accepted form of addiction. Regardless of what other people have said about it in the past, it is nothing more than influential to what is really means to the individual. This word that man has applied to an immortal concept is an empty shell. Now I'm not only referring to the kind of love that Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams painfully stretch out over the whole course of "The Notebook", I am also talking about the word you hear almost every day. "Oh my gosh I love that sweater" "Oh my gosh I love those earrings! where did you get them? Oh my gosh I love pumpkin spice lattes. You like that new snow cone machine Matthew? Yeah I love it, *gasp* OH MY GOSH I LOVE YOU HAHA. This empty shell of a word can be easily molded by tone, by context, by person receiving or giving.

            From my perspective, the word has a close relation to a social belonging not only in pairs but in groups of friends, in family. According to" mom", love is applicable to ALL of your relatives, even the ones you see only at Christmas or Thanksgiving. It binds people into a relationship that one may not always appreciate or be fully aware of. Today, Max was the one who was scheduled to give this talk, rather than myself. Just yesterday, I got to spend time with Max and we spent the day doing ridiculous stuff and talking about what we've been up to since the last time we were able to see each other. He told me about his ups his downs, and how life was treating him recently. A lot of the things he was saying made me feel like I have it pretty good in the macro scope of things, even with the heavy entity of college squeezing the life out of me. So, on a whim, I offered to speak to you today in his place to erase one item from the whitebeard hanging on his bedroom wall. When I said I'd take it I didn't go through a flash of memories that Max and I made throughout the countless years we've known each other. I didn't sit and think about it at all. He opened the door to Chick-Fil-A and before it closed behind us, I said I'd gladly do it. If anyone else asked me to do something of the same magnitude, questions would have definitely arisen. Why? Can't you? What's in it for me? What about my work? His well being was more important than my immediate wants or judgments.   Another quick example is one where Patrick, Xavier and I were on our way to visit Auburn and the end of summer break. We were just on the road about an hour in and we received a text from Adam about his condition. Right then and there we told Adam that we were going to shave for him. Right then and there, without thinking of future consequences. Even if I still have yet to complete my vow because of senior pictures which is a totally different story, we were all into the idea to support out friend and even with the idea of judgment, many gave up a part of themselves for one they loved. Why do we give unconditional acknowledgement and care to friends and family? Why do we create these bonds with others and place our emotions, thoughts, and entirety into something else?

To reiterate:
And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity.
       -Colossians 3:14

In my opinion the verse explains to us the importance of unity. How together we can remain united through each other and God’s grace. Even when times are dark or solemn we can rely on the love though God. Specifically speaking to the seniors in high school, life does not stop for the way you feel. It is dynamic like water. Together in your boat you have your friends and family, those who love you. When the water of life washes overboard, the ones you love are there to hold you and keep you secure, regardless of how mighty the storm.  Look around, you are surrounded by those of whom you know through God’s church. This is your boat. In the nave  we stand here today united though a minister in a place that several of us can call home. We come back to this place every week for a reason. That reason is unique to each and every one of us. Amen.

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